Monday, April 16, 2012

Good and BadType, LA12.

Kerning of main wording on logo/sign leaves for a bad typeface, Letters are spaced too far apart. 

Writing over the background hard to read when small, colours of the text and background are the same, with no difference in hue another example of a bad typeface.

An example of Good Typeface. the Title of the Book and the Authors name are both easy to read as is the other text on the page (scanner took away the brightness of the " THE INFERNAL DEVICES" gold leaf)

Another example of Good Typeface. The main text of the card is done in white'silver, thus making it stand out. The secondary text is done in bright yellow, drawing ones focus in. The whole card is easy to read.

Another example of good typeface, the sign itself is big enough to be noticed and the writing is bold yet simple enough, the contrast of the blue on white also helps.

The Target Logo/Sign. Is a good example of a nice, simple and yet effective typeface. the bright colour and font used don't push people away from wanting to walk into the store as some signs do. the use of the bright red colour, help it to stand out on the white of the building.

The K-mart Logo/Sign. Is a good example of a nice, simple and yet effective typeface. the bright colour and font used don't push people away from wanting to walk into the store as some signs do. the use of the bright blue and red colours, help it to stand out on the white of the building.

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